
I think of you and let it go...
Written at 12:10 pm on Thursday, Feb. 07, 2002

Well, to bring you up to speed on my excursion to "Cheers" last night...

It had its moments, but for the most part I spent my evening cringing. "Pitcherboy" showed up there. Why did he have to be there? He never comes on a wednesday night. I think he sensed I was somewhere having fun. (Note to self: Speak to owners of "Cheers" about raising their standards of the people they let in.)

See, "Pitcherboy" is alot like "MrBigDaddy" in so many ways. It doesnt help that they look so eerily similar. People are always confusing them for the other. I have spent the last several months flip-flopping between the two hoping that they will get me over each other. Not only did that not work, but they now only remind me of the other. What was I thinking? (Note to self: Speak to doctor regarding constant dilusions.)

The problem with "Pitcherboy' is that he is very shallow-no substance. He is only a beautiful face with empty eyes. It was so hard being around him. It didnt help that almost everyone, with a few exceptions including myself, was drunk. Oh, how that hazy cloud of alcohol can sometimes make people go away...temporarily! Yes, I may sound bitter. I may even sound downright mean, but I have every right to be when it comes to him. Although, I was very diplomatic to him tonight. I even played a few games of pool with him.

I am starting to think that I am only attracted to emotionally stunted, mentally crippled men...err, boys. I need to break the cycle with both of them. For the most part, I have. Its just hard because every day I am faced with having to deal with at least one of them. Makes me care about them all over again. Do I have to quit my job? Do I need to find another place to hang out? There has to be a better solution. (Note to self: Look into Witness Protection Program. New name, new locale, no contact with anyone I know...I can deal with that!)

So here I sit at work, constantly watching "MrBigDaddy" walk by. UGH! Someone shoot me now. I would prefer Chinese water torture in comparison to this. At least animals are given the decency of being shot and put out of their misery. Do I need to start foaming at the mouth? What about if I jumped up and bit him on the leg? (Note to self: Watch Old Yeller again for tips.)

At least I am expecting to have a quiet, relaxing night at home. I plan to watch movies with "MrDiamond" but I have a distinct feeling "MsMoHoney" will be at my house when I get home and these two do NOT play nicely in the sandbox together. Some friends had invited me back to "Cheers" tonight but I dont think I am up to the torture two nights in a row. So, I will throw the cards up in the air and let them fall how they may. We shall see!

"The first thing I ever felt in the world was life"-Pitcherboy
