
Why do we crucify ourselves...everyday
Written at on Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2002

Tonight was fun. I went and hung out with "Ms2inchman", "MsAngelic" and "MsCornflakegirl" at this Mexican restaraunt down at the lake. It was pretty nice. I ran into two guys that I know from "Cheers" there as I sat outside waiting.

After a while, "MsCornflakegirl" and I decided we were gonna go hang out at "Cheers" so I drove one of the guys there with me. A little while later, the rest of the crew showed up to hang with us. "MrJohnnyAngel" was there too. He seemed a little different tonight than he normally is. Dont know why.

So, we all hung there for a bit doing our normal, usual "Cheers" crap. Nothing all that exciting. It had pretty much been my first night out in a while. I had been so down and depressed about this whole roommate thing that I really havent left the house that much lately. It felt good to get out and do something. It will be so nice to have the financial freedom to go out and do things once I get moved into this new apartment. I cant wait! I am so tired of being unhappy and I want to start living life again. There is a whole world out there waiting for me to come live it. And I am ready!
