
All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die
Written at on Friday, Jul. 12, 2002

I started thinking today. Dont look so surprised. I am convinced that I am a cross between Lester Burnham (of American Beauty) and that annoying girl from the movie Office Space that just sits behind her desk all day answering the phone..."thank you for calling ____ please hold, thank you for calling ____ please hold". I so dont want to someday be the old guy (or in my case, lady) that looks back on my younger years wishing I had taken different paths of life along the way and wondering where I went wrong. And I most certainly dont want to be the working girl stuck in one big monotonous hole where I am programmed with only one button to operate with one command.

I need color in my life. I need variety. I need change. I need texture. I need shape. I need adventure. I am lacking EVERYTHING! My only regret is that it has taken me until now to realize it. See, I am so Lester and its sad. Although, I promise that I wont try to shag the high school girl...the boy is a different story though.

Work was the same hum-drum it normally is. I worked through my lunch today so I could leave an hour early to go to my doctor's appointment only to get there and find out that I really am a complete moron and that my appointment is really scheduled for next friday. Better tie a string to my finger now so I dont forget.

So I came home. I definitely wasnt going to go back to work. I lounged around doing nothing until "MsExpress" called to see if I wanted to go down to this place in Oceanside with her. So I grabbed "Ms2inchman" and we made it a threesome. Hey now...its not what you are thinking. You perv! My horoscope for the day said something about me staying in tonight and that big crowds werent for me tonight. I went anyway and I am damn glad I did. It felt really nice to get out.

This place was definitely unique in its own querky sort of way. There was "Suspendersman" and "Mr66DDD" and "HottieWaiterboy" and "MrFetish". We even ran into this girl from the bad "Cheers" there. I guess we finally left the right bread crumbs. I never realized how cool she was to hang out with. She really opened up tonight and it was nice. So needless to say, I had fun tonight and am glad that I didnt listen to my horoscope.

I came home and got online and was greeted by "MrCostanza" within seconds with a message of "late night, eh?". He has this rather annoying way of starting a conversation and then in the middle of it pulling a Houdini act and disappearing. I like talking to him therefore, I want to talk and not get left wondering where he went. So here I am barely able to keep my eyes open but thought that I would update this damn thing.

I am sooooo off to bed. I am going to sleep like Rip Van Winkle. See ya in a hundred years.
