
Get on your feet...get up and take some action
Written at 12:01 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 07, 2002

I am watching my day slowly melt into a big puddle of nothingness.

There are so many things I should/could be out doing right now, but instead I am still home...doing nothing. I didnt get any sleep last night. And I do mean none. I dont know why, but I wasnt tired. I am still not tired.

I was awake when "MsMoHoney" came home this morning and went to bed. I was still awake when she woke up several hours later. Just as I am awake right now.

I wanted to go out today and get my nails done. I wanted to go to the bank. I wanted to go grocery shopping. I wanted to do laundry. I seriously doubt I will do any of those. And I dont have a good excuse for not doing any of them. I have a party tonight to go to. In fact, it is only a mere five hours away from now and I fear I will still have that same lack of motivation five hours from now. Someone, slip some Ginseng into my drink please.
