
Keep your head held high, ride like the wind
Written at 10:22 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 20, 2002

Last night was so relaxing. I came home and hung out with "MsMoHoney" all night. I really love the nights that she is home. We put our pajamas on really early, have dinner, watch all kinds of things. I keep telling her that living with her is like being away at camp. Except there is no arts and crafts, archery or other camp activities...just girl stuff.

So last night, we settled in watched a movie, had dinner and then whipped out the tarot cards. Ok, I never get the answer I want. The cards stated that I would meet the person I am going to marry in 1-2 years, get married in about 5 years and have at least two kids having the first one born in approximately 7-10 years. By my calculations, and I am not math expert here, according to the cards my first child will be born when I am between 34-37 years old. Ummm, yeah, that is a little older than I had hoped for. It also stated that the person that I am to marry will be of Latin decent, but NOT someone that I have already met. So that scratches "MrBialamos" off the list.

It clearly reminded me of the last time that she we did this. Nothing was coming out the way that I wanted then either. I will just have to accept that I am going to be some old ass lady toting around infants while my husband who probably wont speak any English is off at work picking strawberries. That was so mean and stereotypical, huh?

Well, by the grace of god I managed to get out of bed this morning. I only had about 3 hours of sleep last night. Then the painters, like clockwork, started in on their banging at the buttcrack of dawn. I am a little pissed at them to say the least, but that is a whole other topic. Its friday and I am going to just focus on the fact that tomorrow...I am so sleeping in like a champ.

I just got off the phone with a member of my family. I probably shouldnt even speak about this as it was made clear to me that no one is to know yet, but I have someone who is going through some really heavy stuff and they are suspecting that it is Multiple Sclerosis. My heart breaks at the very thought of this. The odds are really piling up against this person too, that is what makes it even worse. I should know more by the end of the day. If it so turns out that I am not the only one with this disease and this person has it too, it will change the whole dynamics of my family. With me, my disease wont really affect anyone...but with this person there are a few people whose lives can change with this. Boy, who watered down the genes in my family? This really sucks.
