
Head like a hole...
Written at 3:04 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 04, 2002

You know...tomorrow I am going to come into work wearing a helmet. And I am going to slobber all over myself when I talk. And I am going to speak really slowly on top of that. I am going to flick myself in the head (kinda like Ernie from What's Eating Gilbert Grape). I may even walk into walls every now and then. Are you starting to see a pattern forming here?

You are probably asking yourself why? Because the fact of the matter is, if you are going to talk to me as if I am retarded and you have to hold my hand...I am going to act retarded.

What my boss does not seem to understand is...I have worked at this company for 8 years. 8 long ass years! I perform the same tedious ass duties day in and day out. And for you to tell me that I should do it now because in an hour or two I may forget and call me four times to see if it is utter BULLSHIT.

So be prepared when I come in tomorrow acting like a pure Simpleton. If you are going to fit me for the part, be prepared when I play it. Tomorrow I may win my first Oscar!
