
I fall to pieces...
Written at 11:23 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 04, 2002

Missing: My organizational skills

Reward if found!

I have discovered today just how unorganized I have become. I always knew it was bad. I just didnt know it was this bad.

I was determined to balance my checkbook today, so I started going over receipts that I hadnt put into my check register yet. Some of those receipts dated back to October 9th. Almost a month ago. That is so very sad. What is even more sad is I have been sporting around 2 weeks worth of paychecks that have yet to be deposited into my bank account. Yes, I am pathetically sad.

So todays Operation GOMA (Get Off My Ass) plan is to finally make it to the bank, pay my bills and balance my checkbook. Geez, I hadnt realized I had let it get so bad.

Its kind of like this cloud of fog has been lifted from around my head and I can finally see a little farther into the distance than 6 inches. I can see how completely screwed up I am and have been letting things get. Which is a good thing. But I wish I had seen it sooner.

Man, this sure is becoming a humbling experience for me. But its getting me off my ass!
