
Written at 4:33 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 30, 2006

I had an awesome weekend.

Saturday morning I went to meet my friend for breakfast. It was a little earlier than I had hoped, but it was nice. I didnt get to spend too much time with her because of a meeting she had to go to. The more that I'm around her, the more I admire her strength.

Yesterday. Oh yesterday, I had fun. "S" was right down the street from me and called to meet up. We met at the Starbuck's down the street and just sat and talked for a while. Then he suggested we drive down to a mission near the beach. So we did. And it was a beautiful day for it too. We put the top down on his car and the weather was perfect for it. When we got there, after he assisted me with getting up the hill (my shoes totally sucked for walking around in), we went in to some little stores. It was all just...perfect. If I had to describe it in one word...that'd be it.

I didnt give him enough credit before. He's an awesome guy. Not at all how I pegged him to be. The church stuff and the retirement home things are great and all, but its nowhere near descriptive enough for him. He's so much more than those things. It was just nice. Someone else driving for a change. And if you were the girl (or guy) standing next to us, there wouldnt have been any doubt that we were together. And I like that. Feeling like a woman out on a date. With a really nice guy who not once neglected me or made me feel out of place. I like this one. Kid and all, I'll take it on.

Which brings me right on back to a Monday. Filled with all of the headaches and frustration that come with a Monday around here. Day-um! Its a good thing I had a good weekend, because it kinda evens out all of the BS that surrounds me.
