
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
Written at on Sunday, Feb. 24, 2002

Today was nice. "MrGIJoe" came over about noon to hang out for the day. I subjected him to 8 hours of Roswell. I think I am getting him hooked.

After that, we headed to "Cheers" for some fun. Everyone was there. Even "Pitcherboy" showed up. At first I was slightly annoyed with how friendly he has become with "Ms2inchman" since she is the one he hooked up with on Valentine's Day. The more the night progressed, I didnt care anymore. He asked me to play darts with him so I did. Later on, he asked me if I wanted to come see his band play in a couple of weeks. I realized at that moment that he and I could put all the anymosity behind us and be friends. It was this amazing epiphany. It made me look back and wonder how he could even want to be my friend after all I have said and done to him. I am a shmuck! He and I should never have let it progress past friends. It would have been so much better that way. Same thing with "MrBigDaddy". Sex sometimes complicates things. At least it has with this little bizarre sex triangle. But DAMN, did it feel right at the time. That is the problem with instant wears off pretty quickly leaving you empty handed.

I also realized tonight how much the drama of everything has been effecting me lately. Once I put aside all the pettiness and didnt allow myself to be a part of it anymore, I started feeling so much better about everything. It was like I could see things more clearly. It was like I was finally living with all five sense again.

"you gotta put it all behind you now, life goes keep carrying all that anger, it will eat you up inside"
