
You are the wind beneath my wings
Written at on Monday, Apr. 29, 2002

When, oh, when am I going to have all this done? I am starting to think the answer to that is never.

I even took off from work early today, around 1:00 and still didnt get everything done. I went and picked up "MrGIjoe" to help me again. I dont know what I would have done without him. He has truly passed friendship status and has moved on to feeling like family. He even asked me if I wanted to move up to Washington and be his roommate when he comes back from Europe.

So, although we didnt get it all done today...we did make a big improvement over what it looked like when we first got there. I pretty much just got to the point where I dont want to keep anything all must go! I dont want to lug, pack or stuff another damn thing.

After we got done, we were going to go to "Cheers" and have a drink but he really doesnt like that place or half the people that go there. So, I just took him back to Base and dropped him off. He leaves for Washington tomorrow to visit his family for 2 weeks.

I got home around 1:30am and just crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow.
