
Yes, I see the waves coming...crash into me
Written at on Thursday, Jun. 20, 2002

Today was absolutely boring, I did nothing at all...and I kinda liked it!

Work went the same as usual. I did get a call from "MsBoobsalot" while I was at work today. She told me that "MrCostanza" had informed her about "us". I cant say that I am not a little pissed off. First, I dont understand why he had asked me not to tell her, and he ends up being the one running to her with the info. I mean, I cant say I am the innocent party being as I am the one who originally told her a year ago when it started...but why did he feel the need to tell her now? Also, why does he get to pick and choose who knows about it? Secondly, he told her that it was only twice. TWICE!?! Yeah, maybe twice in the last week. Overall in the last year, about 30-40. Was he absent from school the day they taught how to count past two? Must have been. I am done trying to figure out men.

I started thinking about it later on. Is the only reason I am upset because I want a reason to be mad at him so it will be easier to see him leave? I have a way of pushing people away from me like that. I have a way of getting over people by getting mad at them. Almost like, its easier for me to be angry with someone rather than be hurt by them. Its my weird, little defense mechanism that I have. I really dont want to be like that with him, I want to leave on good terms...yet, on the other hand its going to be hard to let go and watch him leave. He's grown on me over these last few months and I have gotten a little attached. I hate to admit it, but I have. Its just been recently that I have really taken the time to get to know him. I am really going to miss him.

So I came home from work and took a little nap for a while to get my mind off things. "MrGoodfellas" called a little later on. I hadnt talked to him in a while. We both thought the other was mad. Glad that we got that straightened out. He's a cool guy.

That's about all that happened today. Nothing to really write home about. Thank the gods that tomorrow is friday. I couldnt stand another day if I tried.
