
I thought this place was an empire, but now I'm relaxed and I cant be sure
Written at 8:52 a.m. on Tuesday, Jul. 23, 2002

Ugh! I woke up feeling particularly yucky today.

First, I did not have a very eventful night with "MrCuriousGeorge". He sent me an instant message and we talked for a little bit about nothing of importance and then...POOF! He pulled his normal Houdini act and disappeared. I really hate when he does that. What I hated even more was sleeping in that big bed all alone. I hate it when he's not there. I like laying there rubbing his back until we both fall asleep. I like rolling over and having the comfort of just knowing that he's there. I like waking up next to him. Last night I didnt have any of those things...and I missed it. I cant help it. I wonder if I would be like this if he werent leaving. I wonder if I would ache like this if I knew he was down the street and always would be down the street. Was I taking for granted what I always had? Or is it a "dont know what you've got til its gone" thing? I know there's a lesson to be learned in here somewhere...I just dont know what that lesson is. He leaves in less than a week. That depresses me to no end.

So I finally got to sleep last night. almost 3 am I hear my cell phone ringing. When I am asleep I have no concept of time or that I am even sleeping. If I hear a phone ringing, I pick it up without thinking. So, I looked at the was a blocked caller. Hmmm?!? So I answered it. It was "MrWhacker" calling from another one of our friend's house. He called to let me know that, he too, is moving. Ironically enough, the day he said he was leaving is the same day that "MrCuriousGeorge" is leaving. What is it with you people? Why are you all leaving? That is 5 now to bring it to total..."MsAngelic", "MrGIjoe", "MsSlowCookingTheBeans", "MrCuriousGeorge" and now "MrWhacker". All in a 2 month period is a little nervewracking and intimidating to say the least. Is there something about the water out here I dont know about? Maybe its a sign that I, too, should leave.

So, I talked to "MrWhacker" for a little while. He sounded a little drunk when he called. He wanted me to get out of bed at almost 3 am and come hang out with him. He said "its the last chance we will have to have sex". Pass! I have never been with "MrWhacker" and I have no plans to do such. He is my good friend's ex-boyfriend. I could never do that. So I told him if he gets some time before he leaves, at a decent hour of the day, to call me. I did mention that there wouldnt be any sex involved either. I just couldnt do that.

Why is it that noone is happy out here in California and they are all leaving? I thought I was the only one, but I see that I am not alone. My only request is...stay, and if you absolutely must go...please, take me with you!
