
Put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion
Written at 6:47 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 25, 2002

Why am I not asleep?

And no, I didnt just get up. I have been up for the last 45 minutes talking to "MrCuriousGeorge". I need to block him on my list, seriously. Because I get so upset talking to him. I look forward to talking to him and then when I finally do...I get all bent. He bends me. Does that even make sense? He irritates me, does that sound better?

There is a friend of ours, no names (not even nicknames), that always comes up in our conversations. It has really become FUCKING ANNOYING. It becomes a big part of our conversations. I dont know how to tell him it drives me crazy. Its not like I am jealous or anything. Seriously, I'm not. Because this person is a good friend of mine too. I just dont want to hear it. I cant stress that enough. And its gotten to the point that I cant stand to listen to 3/4's of the shit he talks about. Just about the only thing I can tolerate is about music...and he just bores me when it comes to that. Granted, he has given me a few good ones and he has good taste there. But I think its time to block him anyway.

Which is sad because I kinda have him trained now. He says "hold on a sec" when he needs to step away...and he says "gotta go" when its time to wrap it up. Good boy. Now lay down and roll over. I still get annoyed though. And its all things I shouldnt get annoyed by. But it does and I cant help it. Who knows, maybe its just me. I mean, do I really have a right to be mad at him? Actually, yes! I am a woman and I reserve the right to be pissed off about anything. Its like a special license that women get. A special "Right to be Pissed" license. So no, I dont feel bad about being upset. He doesnt think about things before he speaks. He really should, it would make things so much better. But men come with a special "Right to Say Stupid Shit with No One's Feelings in Account" license. And that right there, really sucks.
