
Strawberry fields forever...
Written at 1:49 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002

Damn this day is going by so slow.

I know I have mentioned before that I dont have a particular set time to go to lunch. Normally its somewhere between 12-1. I just go when I am told. So today "MsMenopause" comes down and asks if I will go to lunch now. No problem I say to her, none at all. She then asks me "You dont mind going this early?" I am thinking to myself, well it feels like I have been here forever, so it must be about 12-12:30. WRONG! I look at the clock and it says 11:02.

Damn, that makes my day feel twice as long. Where as I am used to coming back from lunch and having three and a half hours left, today I will have five and a half left. My days already feel like they are months long as it is.

Moral of story is...always know exactly what the consequences of agreeing to something are before you agree to it.

And now I have three and a half hours left.

And you wonder why I update my diary fifty times a day...its to keep boredom away.

Well, no word from "MrBialamos". Last night when he called to invite me to the movies, I told him if he wanted to go, to call me at noon today. He hasnt called so therefore I am off the hook. I know he's going to wait until 5:30 when I get off work to call. See, its saying that you are going to do something, then not doing it, that really pisses me off. He is renowned for his flakiness.

Little shit better have me a flat of strawberries to make up for it. Hand picked baby.
